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Every five years after graduation, let us see each other again and rekindle the good old times with our classmates and former teachers. Jubilarian batches 2012, 2007, 2002, 1997, 1992, 1987, 1982 and 1977 may have their reunions in 2017.  For assitance in event planning and organizing send e-mail to or call +63 072-7002500 or text 09178898760. Please update or register also at lormaalumni.

Job Placement

If you are looking for a job or better employment, you may send your resume or curriculum vitae to so that we can forward them to prospective employers we have screened. You may send also job requirements of the company you are working with or business you are managing to help fellow alumni. Please register or update also at lormaalumni.


Come back home yearly to Lorma during the February foundation days and attend the festivities and alumni dinner. The next homecoming is on February 10, 2018. Former teachers and employees who in one way or another helped in making what Lorma is today are also invited. Your former students will surely love to see you again. For more info, send e-mail to or call +63 072-7002500 or text 09178898760. Please update or register also at lormaalumi.

Uniting the past and the present

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